Frugal Off Grid Arizona High Desert Blog

How to glass eggs for long-term food storage

How to glass eggs for long-term food storage

Glassing eggs is a very simple way to store eggs you harvest from your chickens. I've personally stored eggs for over 6 months on the shelf in my shop in...

How to glass eggs for long-term food storage

Glassing eggs is a very simple way to store eggs you harvest from your chickens. I've personally stored eggs for over 6 months on the shelf in my shop in...

My WILD 9 mile jog in the high desert of Arizona

My WILD 9 mile jog in the high desert of Arizona

I took my dog Incus on a jog to the to the furthest cliff face near my homestead! We saw two elk, a cave and one of the most epic...

My WILD 9 mile jog in the high desert of Arizona

I took my dog Incus on a jog to the to the furthest cliff face near my homestead! We saw two elk, a cave and one of the most epic...

I went on a 7 mile jog to the highest point near my homestead and back

I went on a 7 mile jog to the highest point nea...

This morning I decided to take you guys with me on a hike to the highest point near my homestead.  Ancestral puebloan pottery is common in these areas. I figured...

I went on a 7 mile jog to the highest point nea...

This morning I decided to take you guys with me on a hike to the highest point near my homestead.  Ancestral puebloan pottery is common in these areas. I figured...

Ancestral Puebloan Pottery and a hike in the high desert of Arizona

Ancestral Puebloan Pottery and a hike in the hi...

Along the way we find pottery pieces and stumble upon a man made reservoir and  an abandoned homestead.

Ancestral Puebloan Pottery and a hike in the hi...

Along the way we find pottery pieces and stumble upon a man made reservoir and  an abandoned homestead.

homestead security petrified logs

Homestead security and huge petrified logs!

A few people have asked me about homestead security lately so in this video I go into detail about the many different things I do to keep my homestead secure...

Homestead security and huge petrified logs!

A few people have asked me about homestead security lately so in this video I go into detail about the many different things I do to keep my homestead secure...

Best States for off the grid homesteading 2022 Come hang out on my Arizona homestead

Best States for Off The Grid Homesteading in 2022

I asked my subscribers which states are best for off the grid homesteading in 2022

Best States for Off The Grid Homesteading in 2022

I asked my subscribers which states are best for off the grid homesteading in 2022