I moved off grid to get away from the 9-5 mentality. I wanted to become as frugal and sustainable as possible. And I wanted to become the best version of myself I could be and help inspire others to do the same.
I often talk about creating homeostasis- everyone's most basic needs. Food, water, shelter.
I created my website and a few products that I actually use daily here on my homestead. That's where most of my income comes from. I create 100% off my income from my homestead.
When I was a boy I spent a lot of time with my grandpa up at his cabin. Between that and little house on the prairy I've always been motivated to live off grid.
As young as 5 years old I remember thinking I would live better if I was responsible for creating my needs myself, such as growing food and raising livestock.
My parents divorced when I was 7 and mom died when I was 15 and life got really real very fast. I was homeless and just struggling to survive.
That feeling of just trying to survive stuck with me most of my life.
I finally was really doing great with a new career and I was turning my life around when due to covid I was laid off.
It was then, when I was being forced to start over again that I decided to to the dice and be responsible for my self reliance.
I took my modest savings, my van and a trailer with 2 IBC totes and I took off to the southwest to stay my homestead on what many deemed undesirable land.
The land was raw, over an hour drive from the city, few trees and no water.
Since being here since being here I built a workshop with an awning to park my van under, an agricultural shed to store feed and tools, pens for goats and pigs, a chicken coop, about 1000sq ft of garden with hand made soil including my geothermal greenhouse, a single family root cellar, 14000 gallons of rainwater harvesting surface and storage, several products and a business and a lot of heat memories. You can watch my entire process from the beginning. Please consider sharing my videos if you find them useful. Until next time. I'm John and this is Frugal off grid

Hi, Sheller, I just saw your comment. Thanks a ton!
So so so proud if you brother!!!
So so so proud if you brother!!!
Hey Jenn! I’m happy to hear it.
You have inspired me to seek out an off grid lifestyle myself. I love your videos and am learning a lot! Thank you for sharing your adventure!