This morning I decided to take you guys with me on a hike to the highest point near my homestead. Ancestral puebloan pottery is common in these areas. I figured if the puebloan people were going to build a pueblo anywhere near me this would be the spot.

I wouldn't expect to find anything this amazing on my jog but any remaining pottery and potential signs of living would be pretty cool. I attempted to drive out to this location about six months ago but didn't want to get stuck in the deep sand and I turned back. Now with the tools I have I would drive all the way out but at the time it didn't seem wise.

There is a road from about 30 years back but it's nearly blown away. This is about as far as I drove in the first time.

This is my first view from up top. I don't think the picture does justice but I'm at nearly 6200ft elevation in this picture.

I was surprised to find petrified wood up top but I wasn't surpassed to find pottery pieces.

The view is spectacular. There was a raven flying overhead and the wind was powerful.

If you'd like to see more. My next Youtube video will show a lot more. If you haven't tried my red tea yet check it out in the store. It's good for lowering blood pressure.